E-shop Wassper is one of the youngest online stores in the field.
Payment is realized through a payment gateway or bill. For payments under 2000€, we recommend paying through the payment gateway. Bill – from 2000€ onwards – is reasonable when creating an order that’s made after accepting payment – palette, fork-lift and other similar special orders.
Most of the transaction made on-site will be through payment gate, which means that this next segment will explain a bit about the payment gates that we decided to use.
One of the most important factors that’s included in the list of reasons why we chose GoPay, is their convenient Inline gateway. Importance in GoPay being convenient comes from our goals & vision.
Waspper wants to help its customers, that’s why payment gateway that keeps our customers on-site, without any unnecessary redirects, won our hearts. Their design is responsive so mobile users can enjoy the same effect of comfort as computer users.
With 55 payments methods entering your card is easy and intuitive. GoPay supports 9 currencies – CZK, EUR, USD, GBP, PLN, HUF, RON, BGN and HRK.
It’s translated into 12 languages – Czech, Slovak, English, German, Russian, Romanian, French, Polish, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Croatian and Italian. Payments are made with a simple click.
Payment gateway GoPay is well known and is found on a variety of sites such as sites offering services, newspaper sites that provide digital content, sites requiring subscriptions. A non-profit organization helping sick children in need also use GoPay payment gateway for donations. The payment gateway is also used for buying train tickets while traveling. Through GoPay you can buy good ol’ tickets for events.
With its international rise in popularity, Waspper decided to include payment gateway PayPal as one of the payment choices. PayPal serves as a security gate between your bank account and the world-wide-web. PayPal’s advanced encryption technology encrypts every transaction.